National Free Ads Users Guide
As a registered user of the National Free Ads web site you can place a Free Ad for a wanted item, an item for sale, for rent, a job offer etc.....
Registered and unregistered users can browse and respond to all ads. When you place a Free Ad, you need to include ad details within the most suitable category:
'the title of the ad', 'the description of the ad', 'the price', and 'a location'. Additionally, you can include free photos for your ad and the url of your own web site address.
To create an ad.
1. Log in to the site as an registered user.
2. In the Home Page, click on the 'Post a FREE Ad NOW' button.
3. Select the category in which you will place the ad.
4. Click on the Next button.
5. Enter the characteristics of the ad. The required fields are Title,
Description, Location, Price, Price Category etc. For free and swap items, and ads where a price is not applicable, enter zero in the price section and this
will be blank on your ad.
6.Click the Finish button when you are ready to submit the ad.
To upload a photo for an ad immediately after creating it.
1. After you click the Finish button for a newly created ad you will be taken to
a new page. Simply click the 'Add Photos for your Free Ad now' link.
2. In the Manage Photos section, click 'Browse' and select the image located on your computer.
3. Click 'Add New Photo'.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any additional photos you wish to upload.
To upload a photo for an existing ad.
1. Log in to the site as a registered user.
2. In the top navigation bar, click 'My Ads'
3. In the 'My Current Ads' section, click the 'Photos' link of the ad you wish to upload pictures to.
4. Click the 'Manage Photos' link in the 'Actions' section of the page.
5. In the Manage Photo's section, click 'Browse' and select the image located on your computer.
6. Click 'Add New Photo'.
7. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any additional photos you wish to upload.
Managing Your Ads and Profile.
The National Free Ads Site allows you to manage your active and inactive ads, any saved ads, and your profile characteristics..
To Change Your Profile.
1. Login to the site as a registered user.
2. In the top navigation bar click on the 'My Ads' link.
3. Click on the 'My Profile' link. Your profile information consists of: First Name, Last Name, Email and Password. To change your First Name, Last Name and Email simply make the changes and click on the 'Save' button. To change your Password you will need to enter your existing Password, then enter your new Password twice followed by clicking on the 'Change Password' button to confirm your changes.
To Remove Saved Ads.
1. Login to the site as a registered user in the top navigation bar.
2. Click on the 'My Ads' link.
3. Click on the 'Saved' link.
4. Click on the 'Remove' link for the next to the appropriate ad.